Dolly the Princess of the Mas

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As you guessed, I answer to the pretty name of Dolly. I am a blue chartreuse and coquetry requires, I will not reveal my age. But I have been sharing the life of my very caring masters for more than 10 years.

You will very often see me rolling around in the sun. The Provençal climate suits me perfectly!

As soon as the rays warm my coat, I lay on my back, but be careful, this is not an invitation to come and “itch” my stomach. I have my little character!

Since I have been living at Mas de la Martelière, I have discovered my talents as a hunter: I watch for butterflies, track lizards, chase grasshoppers, watch birds…. Short ! I am exercising !

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And that's good because I'm a big foodie. I have a very good appetite. I may come to charm you and ask for a few sweet or savory treats, but my masters recommend that you do not give in to the temptation to please me. It's not good for my health they say...

I hope you will enjoy the calm of the place like me and that you will have a pleasant stay with us!

You're leaving already ? We say see you very soon then

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